Chart of Account Entry Database Definitions

CoA Entry Database Table

AsChartofAccountsEntry Database Table

  • AsChartofAccountsEntry: The Debit/Credit entry for an account that must be tied to transaction or suspense.

  • ChartOfAccountsEntryGUID: Unique identifier for this table.

  • ChartOfAccountsEntityGUID: GUID to the AsChartofAccountsEntity table.

  • DebitCreditCode: Indicates 01 for debit or 02 for a credit.

  • EntryDescription: Description of the debit or credit.

  • AccountingTypeCode: Stores the code for the way the amount for the accounting will be obtained. 01 for Total of Funds, 02 for ByFund, 03 for MathVariable, 04 for suspense, 05 for disbursement.

  • AccountingAmountField: Name of the MathVariable to use as the amount if AccountingTypeCode is set as a type MathVariable. For disbursements, this is automatically set to DisbursementAmount.

  • GainLossFlag: Stores 1 (Yes) or 0 (No) indicating if the debit/credit amount will be calculated based on gain/loss values.

  • FlipOnNegativeFlag: Stores 1 (Yes) or 0 (No) indicating if credits should be flipped to debits and vice-versa when an amount is negative.

  • EffectiveFromDate: Effective Date the entry will be effective from.
  • EffectiveToDate: Effective Date the entry will be effective to.

  • DoReversalAccountingFlag: Stores 1 (Yes) or 0 (No) indicating if accounting information should be captured when activity is reversed. The default value is 1 and only applies to Disbursement accounting.
  • OriginalDisbursementStatusCode: When an activity processes, the disbursement status is matched to the appropriate COA entry record based on the value of this code. Pending, Pending Shadow, Recoverable and Recovered are the available status options.
  • AccountNumberFormat: Holds the format for the account number. This is not implemented in v9 yet and may be left blank.
  • LinkSuspenseFlag: Stores 1 (Yes) or 0 (No) to indicate whether suspense records should be linked to the activity.